SEDI - Special Projects - Member Opportunity Notes

When you think about or when your investment manager talks to you about "capital appreciation" "growth" "asset protection" "core values" "governance" "investment guarantees" "Return on Investment" or anything like that, do they every talk about Design Engineering Made in Canada, or the awesome potential of Airport Development? Eh? Or Aero-industrial options for you that you might really like?

Imagine for a moment, specific resources being directed to local, regional or national projects, or towards rural and small village development, enterprise that offers awesome new jobs and careers, technology, products, services and opportunities unlike anything else around? Does your investment manager talk about that? Do you ever think about that or wondered how different that could be?

Can you imagine being involved in new wealth creation? Or how about collaboration with local and region Community Economic Development, creating synergies of possibilities, wealth multipliers, enterprise and industry optimization where new projects can capitalize on to create mutually beneficial independent and co-development options with existing infrastructure, people and capabilities and going beyond that for state of the art and science in new products, services, technology and capabilities.

Have you ever invested in or contributed to, something that you could actually benefit from, use, acquire personally? What about infrastructure projects, buildings, resources, enhanced community, industry and enterprise logistics? Is that something you might like to consider or find out more about and possibly be involved in?

Is new research and development (R&D) that enables prototype development towards custom build limited and mass production an exciting ground floor opportunity with awesome potential sound like intrigue to you?

Or how about key components, OEM-original equipment manufacturer, or high performance quality products that are part of the competitive strategic enterprise, products, technology and services advantage? Is that something you might you to consider?

Do you need more examples, practical, relevant, down to earth options to pick from? Do you like products that have extreme durability, extremely well made design elements, high performance characteristics with the "Design Engineered Made in Canada" ideal.

Have you ever imagined or could you imagine to be a working share-owner, in a non-unionized shop, with the sky is the limit thinking, where individual creative imagination is valued, supported, promoted, esteemed, rewarded and compensated?

Can you imagine what it would be like to go visit a facility and meet people in an enterprise that you invested in, promoted or got involved in, maybe even as a promoter, customer, enterprise commerce or anything like that? Fantastic eh? Nothing like it.

Can you imagine having financial or non-financial investment opportunities, that include
time, resources, expertise, intellectual capital, being a promoter or exciting unorthodox things like that?

Can you
imagine being valued for non-financial investing, where your ideas, enthusiasm and make it happen capabilities, connections and thinking, your experience, expertise, advice, awareness or other abilities are essential in co-creating destiny, of transforming thought into reality? Is that a lot more up to speed?

How can you the individual know all this, and not your investment manager, or your financial institution, or your broker?

You, the individual, freedom of choice, exclusive opportunities, for people who like peace, order and good government, nation building and doing something awesome, being pro-active with strategic, tactical and operational advantage, people that make the news, focused, optimistic, energized, revitalized, excited about something a whole lot more interesting eh! The future is created by the individual on fire…that's what I'm talking about! Now that is the private member opportunity, something awesome!

The idea of unlimited creative imagination that is engaged in the alternate reality creation engine, includes you, the individual.

The CVIx Advanced Projects (Capital Vault Incorporated & Strategic Enterprise Development Inc.)

The Exponential Projects & The Special Projects

Individual Creative Imagination is Visionary!

Advance in the direction of the future, the extra-ordinary vision…

Exercise the power to create an awesome future now

Join Strategic Enterprise Development Inc.