SEDI - Special Projects - National Airport Development Program
(summary, PDF, news - en route)

Advance in the direction of the future, the extra-ordinary vision.

Who?: SEDI with corresponding Airport Commission, Community Economic Development entities, co-development stakeholders, citizens, residents, enterprise and industry, existing and future customers, members, participants.
What?: National Airport Development Program
Where?: regional, small towns and rural communities
When?: Now and anytime you freely choose to get involved!
Why?: Aero-Industrial Economic Opportunity & Prosperity
How?: Investment, Acquisition & co-development of Airport and/or related areas.

Imagine for a moment … see the vision…
The famous "Point of Attraction" :

new asphalt - new construction; nothing like it!
Runway infrastructure paving, air traffic control logistics

Development & Enterprise - Aero-Industrial & Hangar Infrastructure
Aviation, Aeronautics, Aircraft, Aerospace & Space Projects

Co-operative association, learning, working share owner,
Secure supply line, design, engineer, production & more

local talent, jobs, careers & enterprise options
Less travel with more opportunity in rural & small towns

Good paying solid quality family rated jobs and careers
Area, regional and national benefits wealth creation multiplier

Community Economic Development : collaboration & co-development
Expanded cash flow, revenue, tax, customer and investment base

Integrates and values "old school" hands on pure genius & ability
Canadian with fractions, inches, pounds, miles and miles per hour are welcome

Values and promotes unlimited creative imagination of the individual
Integrates advanced manufacturing, technology, materials & design engineering

more Design Engineering Made in Canada - like a lot more
more opportunity, challenge and reward - live life in your zone!

Includes new airport development, investment, acquisition & development
Includes Aero-Industrial infrastructure in Airport proximity, adjoining private property

general, commercial & defense technology - capabilities, character, competence
personal, enterprise, tourism - national transportation logistics network

expanded relevant, interesting & exciting industry economic options
strategic, operational and tactical advantage - "unity is a super power"

Airport Commission, Airport Development Collaboration & Initiatives
Community Economic Development entities - aero-industrial infrastructure
University, College, Trade & Technical Institute Program

The creative and productive energy of aerospace…

Paper airplanes of anyone to straight white arrows at Mach 3.5

From the the thin air of imagination, float, hover motionless or hypersonic overdrive…

Wake up and smell the coffee with the awesome magnitude of a vision that you can see, hear, touch, taste and smell, something invented for you to co-create destiny with real Canadians who are part of the alternate reality creation engine…

Now push the throttle forward, feel the thrust, escape velocity, the wide open sky…your life will never be the same again, you have learned to fly, transform thought into reality, look at everyday life with optimism in your eyes, a new confidence in your heart and soul, with the thunderbolt of your mind, pure energy to create and live the life you imagined.

Get involved with the National Airport Development Program and your local Airport Development Commission, make a difference with dynamic freedom of choice!

Private SEDI membership and the Special Project Account includes specific and general confidential documentation for airports accross Canada.

We wil redevelop and rebuild the national dream - the dream of aerospace.

Express the best of who you are, it's in your heart and soul, it's your destiny!

Integrated Logistics - National Airport Development Program - Strategic Account

Investor Contributor Notes - Member Opportunity Notes - individual creative imagination is visionary

Join-Strategic.pdf - individual creative imagination is visionary

B301 Aeropark : Airport & Aero Industry Development Program