Special Projects - Airport Development - CYTA-Pembroke & Area Airport
(summary, PDF, news - en route)

Advance in the direction of the future, the extra-ordinary vision.

CYTA Pembroke & Area Airport: (Public Promotion) contact: http://www.flycyta.ca
1. repave the runway; fundraising campaign for $1.25 - 4.0 million

2. Airport aero-industrial hangar construction, est $0.25 - 1.0 million (initial building)
Total Projects est $5 million; plus additional infrastructure

In addition to general industry, enterprise and logistics with airport development, it is possible to generate greater interest in aviation related endeavours such as, a flight school, expanded charter aircraft and enterprise customer base.

If you build it, they will come. Field of dreams…if you pave it, planes will take off and land!

One mile of runway gives you a world of adventure…

Imagine for a moment, something awesome…that you are part of the alternate reality creation engine, and you can predict the future because you are building it, co-creating destiny.

Imagine the Airport management with all the resources they need, to repave the runway, upgrade the facilities, and make solid measurable progress in fulfilling their responsibilities to the community and achieving their goals. This is a big event! You the individual can help make it happen, imagine that!

Do the math, 100,000 people at $15 each = $1.5 million POOF. We have the Renfrew County Pembroke Airport Development Opportunity that benefits into the future to every resident. Many hands make light work.

Is that down to earth and eyes in the sky full of promise and opportunity too simple, just about right, or do you want something much more awesome? Check out the
SEDI_Investment_Vision, but don't let that stop you, time is of the essence, right?

The idea is to start, actually do something, it sets off a chain reaction in the space time continuum, a choice point in the time line, POOF, synchronicity, providence, amazing connections, events, people and opportunities, all because of you!

Imagine with a repaved runway, more people, jobs and careers more air traffic, enterprise and commerce that creates opportunity for residents and adds value, opportunity and prosperity to the industry, community and to Canada.

Point of attraction for: Aero-Industrial SEDI-Advanced Projects facilities, enterprise administration R & D, aircraft, engine, technology, materials, products, services, prototype & development. This is included in the SEDI National Airport Development Progam (NADP) and offers Integrated Logistics.

The National Airport Development Program (NADP) Strategic Account has corresponding airport specific Strategic Accounts.

The "SEDI-NADP-Pembroke and Area Airport Strategic Account" exists for specific Special Projects.

This offers opportunity for alternate financial and non-financial resource options to converge and be deployed.

This includes the Airport jurisdiction and management projects, in addition to the proposed SEDI-Advanced Projects and SEDI Special Projects that are primarily Airport specific and also generally Aero-Industrial related.

Download for two-sided trifold brochure :

SEDI-brochure-inside-3.pdf & Strategic-promotion-4-trifold.pdf

B301 Aeropark : Airport & Aero Industry Development Program